Goals at Preschool

Preschool favours the education of each child, and helps him/her to find one’s bearings among many different spurs and activities, in order to pursue the following goals:

  • Develop each child’s personal identity, in order for him/her to be aware of himself/herself and discover his/her needs, his/her skills, and his/her limits, so to feel more and more secure in dealing with new experiences.
  • Develop autonomy and lead each child to learn how to be responsible for his/her body, to have self-esteem, to trust oneself and other people, to be satisfied in learning how to be autonomous.
  • Develop competences, in order for the child to learn how to express himself/herself, observe, compare, consolidate his/her skills (motoric functions, sensory, social, linguistic/expressive, creative and intellectual competences).
  • Develop citizenship, by leading each child to understand rules in everyday life through his/her relations and dialogue, so to improve respect and behaviour towards people, the environment and nature.

At Mimosa Bilingual School both Preschool and Primary School pursue, in an efficient synergy, the abovementioned goals through “structured activities”, chosen, designed, and implemented in order for the children to achieve the best possible results. This happens by working in the following “Fields of Experience”:

  • “The self and the other”: how to phrase an idea, to distinguish, to compare, to consider, to discover, to learn, to overreach, to recognise.
  • “Speech and words” to encourage children to learn how to communicate, to speak their mind, to tell, to describe, to compare, to enrich their language, to use and to recognise words and expressions.
  • “Body in action” to guide children to be sensitive, to experiment, to discover, and to reinforce their knowledge.
  • “Languages, creativity, expressiveness” to encourage all children to learn the skills to explore, to experiment, to express themselves, to communicate by the means of other expressive codes beyond words.
  • “The knowledge of the world” to lead each child to learn, to classify, to organise, to explore, to represent, to verbalise, to make a project, and to quantify.

To implement the many activities included in these fields of experience, the school has got and makes use of several didactic tools and materials.